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How To Prevent Dry Itchy Scalp In The Winter

How To Prevent Dry Itchy Scalp In The Winter



By now we're all used to the fact that some level of dryness on your hair and skin during the winter is just a normal reality that comes with the season. But what about your scalp? As the temperature drops you may start to notice your scalp also feels like it hasn't had a drop of moisture in months. It may even become extremely itchy and flaky. These are all signs that winter is wreaking havoc on your scalp. 

Luckily, it’s not all bad news. A dry scalp can easily be prevented with a few key steps. In this post, we'll be covering all you need to know to avoid the dreaded Itchy dry winter scalp. 

Why Is The Scalp So Dry And Itchy In The Winter

Dry Air 

The low-humidity weather in the winter can make the air very dry. This can make it harder for the skin on your scalp to retain moisture, leaving it dry and slightly irritated. This moisture and oil loss ultimately makes the scalp itchy. In extreme cases of dry scalp, you may even notice tiny white flakes of dead skin shedding from the scalp. 

Over Washing 

While it is never a bad idea to cleanse your hair and scalp. Excessive use of shampoos in the winter can dry out your scalp faster than you can keep up. This is especially true if you use clarifying shampoos, as they are designed to completely remove all traces of dirt from the hair, ultimately stripping your hair of its natural sebum and oils. You do not have to completely avoid washing your hair in the winter, but the key is to limit the number of times you shampoo each month. 

Too Many Hot Showers 

This may not apply to most curly naturals since it is not very common to put your curls under the shower every day. However, if you are the type that likes to run water down your curls each time shower, you may want to reduce the temperature of your water. Hot water can dry out the skin on the scalp, and in the winter when the air is already dry, it will only make things worse. 

Not Applying Products For The Scalp 

Unlike the rest of the hair, the scalp is often neglected during the winter. Think about it, how many times have you doused your hair in moisturisers and water but completely forgot to give the scalp the same energy? Continuously neglecting to nourish your scalp with products will leave it thirsty and extremely dry and with the dry winter air, you will notice it even more. 



8 Ways To Prevent Dry Itchy Scalp In The Winter

1. Deep Condition More Frequently 

 Deep conditioners are formulated to help soften the hair and also infuse it with a ton of moisture. Once your strands are nourished and hydrated, the moisture will also eventually reach your scalp. So, to keep your scalp healthy and hydrated in the winter, you've gotta incorporate deep conditioners into your routine more often. 

A weekly deep conditioning session with our Manuka Honey & Avocado Deep Conditioning Hair Mask will not only hydrate the hair and scalp but will also soothe and improve the overall health of the scalp. 

 2. Apply A Hair Oil

Since the cold weather is likely going to strip the scalp of its usual oil and moisture, a great way to prevent excessive dryness is to consistently apply some oil to help nourish the scalp and reduce moisture loss. Our Strengthening Oil which is loaded with coconut, rosemary, mint, Jamaican black castor oil and biotin liposome is a perfect choice for such moments. You can apply the oil 2-3 times a week depending on your personal preference and needs. However, before applying the oil, spray the scalp with a tiny bit of warm water then massage the oil in to keep your scalp healthy and thoroughly moisturised. 

3. Switch To A Gentle Shampoo

Instead of using harsh shampoos that will dry out your hair and scalp. Opt for gentle moisturising shampoos like our Hydrating Shampoo With Manuka Honey. The gentle nourishing formula of these types of shampoos will cleanse your hair without stripping your scalp of its natural oil. Plus, you can use them more often than other harsh shampoos if you’re a fan of weekly washes.  


4. Stay Hydrated 

You've probably heard this one more often than you can count. But, the body does not lie. If you are dehydrated from within, it means your scalp will also be missing out on the natural hydrating it would normally get from your body. The winter dries out everything from your skin to your scalp, so a great way to combat that is to increase your water intake.

5. Limit Heat Styling

Heat styling can sometimes be a major culprit of dry scalp. The hot air from your blow dryer or diffuser constantly touching your scalp can increase moisture loss from the scalp and cause it to become dry and flaky. Avoiding the heat as best as you can would be ideal for your scalp health. However, if you can't do that, then try to reduce the amount of heat exposure by blow drying on low heat or cool air. Additionally, you can also prevent drying out the scalp by placing your heat tool at least 1-2 inches away from the scalp to limit the level of direct exposure. 

6. Protect Your Hair When Going Out

Exposing your hair and by extension, your scalp to the harsh winter weather can worsen your dryness. If you are constantly going out with your scalp exposed, the rate of moisture and sebum loss will increase dramatically as a result. This is why it is extremely important to cover your hair when going out on cold winter days. Use a satin-lined hat or scarf to cover your hair. It may take some getting used to but as long as you are consistent, your scalp will certainly thank you for the extra protection. 

7. Do A Hot Oil Treatment

Incorporating a hot oil treatment into your wash days can also help relieve and prevent dry scalp in the winter. A hot oil treatment involves massaging very warm oil into the scalp before or after your shampoo step on wash days. This treatment has a ton of benefits for curly hair ranging from strengthening hair follicles, sealing the cuticle, and adding shine to the hair. However, one of the major benefits is that it helps moisturise and reduce itchiness on the scalp.  

To do a hot oil treatment, simply add about half a cup of our Scalp & Hair Oil into an applicator bottle. Then place the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Next, cover the bowl with a towel for about 10 minutes until the oil is warm enough. Then divide the hair into 4-6 sections and massage the hot oil into your scalp and hair. Apply the hair thoroughly from your roots to the ends of the hair and spend a little time massaging it into the scalp. Finally, cover the hair with a processing cap for about an hour before rinsing and following up with Sofnfree's Moisture Rich Conditioner. 

8. Use A Scalp Scrub

If your dry scalp is leaving you with a lot of flakes. It may be helpful to exfoliate the scalp to shed away those dead skin cells to reduce the flakiness. Now, keep in mind this is not something you want to do often as over-exfoliating an already dry scalp will only lead to more dryness. You should do this after trying out the other steps we've highlighted. To scrub the scalp, gently work in a small amount of your favourite scrub into the scalp before shampooing, then massage it in for about a minute. Rinse out the scrub and follow up with your usual wash day steps. 

There are many things to look forward to in the winter, but dryness is certainly not one of them. So, to keep your scalp healthy, you've gotta give it the TLC it needs by consistently following all the tips we've revealed in this post. And if your scalp is already on the Itchy flaky side, be sure to consistently incorporate everything we've discussed to fix the problem. 

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